Orthopedics and Traumatology

Dr. Chanko Chankov is an orthopedic specialist in Sofia with over 30 years of experience. He has completed numerous specializations in Bulgaria, Australia, Switzerland, and Israel.
Dr. Chanko Chankov is an orthopedic specialist in Sofia with over 30 years of experience. He has completed numerous specializations in Bulgaria, Australia, Switzerland, and Israel.
Dr. Ernesto Pintore is an orthopedic and trauma specialist with over 30 years of experience, gained across various institutions and healthcare systems in Europe and worldwide.
Vladimir Rusimov, MD, is an orthopedic specialist in Sofia with over 20 years of medical experience. His professional interests are focused on shoulder surgery, including fractures, endoprosthetics, arthroscopic reconstructions, and muscle-tendon transposition.
Dr. Lyudmil Blagoev is an orthopedic and trauma specialist with over 30 years of experience.
Dr. Ivo Matanov is a resident specializing in orthopedics. In 2019, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at Sofia University in Sofia, Bulgaria.