Vladimir Rusimov, MD is an orthopedic specialist in Sofia with over 20 years of medical experience. His narrow professional interests are in the field of shoulder surgery – fractures, arthroplasty, arthroscopic reconstructions and musculotendinous transposition, as well as in the field of arthroscopic reconstructive surgery of the hip, knee and ankle joints. He has more than 100 publications, reports and participation in congresses, conferences and courses at the national and international level
He graduated from the Medical University of Sofia in 1995. He obtained a specialty in Orthopedics and Traumatology in 2002. In 2012, he obtained the educational and scientific degree of Doctor after successfully defending his thesis on “Arthroscopic stabilization in anterior traumatic shoulder instability”.
Specializes in France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, etc. with acquired certificates in the relevant field;
Certificate for highly specialized activities in “Arthroscopy” – 2002;
It is a member of BOTA, EFFORT, ESSKA and SICOT.