Therapy for shoulder stabilization and functionality with David G460

Our medical center offers the David G460, a unique diagonal shoulder joint abduction device designed to activate the stabilizing muscles of the scapula (shoulder blade). The device provides a safe and pain-free performance of movement, which is usually difficult for patients with shoulder pain.

Target muscles

The device is designed to precisely activate and strengthen the following muscles:

  • Trapezius middle and Trapezius inferior (middle and lower trapezius muscles): help stabilize the shoulder and scapula;
  • Rhomboid major and Rhomboid minor (large and small rhomboid muscles): Important for proper scapular movement.
  • Deltoid posterior head: involved in the stabilization and movement of the shoulder;
  • Supraspinatus (supraspinatus): a major motor in the abduction of the shoulder.

It is recommended for targeted and safe therapy, suitable for patients with chronic pain, postoperative rehabilitation or need for prophylaxis. With the David G460, patients can restore mobility, stability and strength to their shoulder:

  • Tendinitis on supraspinatus;
  • Shoulder instability;
  • Impingement Syndrome;
  • After rotator cuff reconstruction;
  • After arthroscopy;
  • Chronic pain in the shoulder;
  • Muscle imbalance;
  • Shoulder injuries;
  • Shoulder overload;
  • Prevention of shoulder problems;
  • Improve functionality.

Advantages and adaptation of the David G460 unit

  • Tilted axes of motion:
    Direct the motion for precise activation of the scapular stabilizing muscles.
  • Arm pads:
    Support the arms and prevent unwanted activation of the trapezius muscles.
  • Handleless design:
    Facilitates external shoulder rotation for higher supraspinatus activation.
  • Automatic seat adjustment:
    Ensures comfort and correct position for all patients.
  • Easy to use:
    Minimal supervision is required, making it suitable for a variety of patients.
  • Monitoring:
    Allows strength and mobility tests as well as progress monitoring.